M&S Celebrates 75 Years in Aberdeen

M&S celebrates 75 years in Aberdeen! The first Marks and Spencer store opened on St Nicholas Street on the 2nd of February, 1944. Here are a few images of the iconic department store over the years.

M&S would like to say a huge thank you to all of their loyal customers and employees in helping them reach this benchmark.

MS 2009 1ebcaa304e819a57900805cc1e88884d
M&S in 2009
MS Haggis 1989 62ff1b4736c3847352eb2ca67418a490
M&S Aberdeen is the top seller of Haggis in the UK ahead of Burns Night in 1989
MS October 1966 1ebcaa304e819a57900805cc1e88884d
M&S following a refurbishment in 1966
MS St Nicholas St 0202 1944 1ebcaa304e819a57900805cc1e88884d
The first M&S in 1945! This image was taken a year after the store opened in 1944.



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