It's FridayOPEN NOW

Independent lifestyle store celebrating makers from North-east Scotland opens in Bon Accord Centre.

Showing new store open edit at Bon Accord
RGU Edit Store 504x336 1

Store Opening Hours:
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 11am-2pm
Saturday 10am-5pm

Unit 11, Lower Mall, Bon Accord Centre

Amanda Hirst creates watercolour cards of Aberdeen landmarks, knitted headbands, and other accessories. – @frauhaus_ab10 

Wardrobe Foxes Vintage creates belts, scrunchies and hair ruffle headbands from re-worked vintage ties and sells hand-picked vintage clothing. – @wardrobefoxesvintage 

Concrete Copper & Wood makes vividly-coloured concrete and jesmonite home accessories. – @concretecopperandwood 

Candy Coated Accessories creates geometric-patterned and brightly coloured lambswool accessories. – @candycoatedscot 

Mhairi McBeath Design makes colourful, handmade ceramics and folded light shades inspired by paper folding techniques. – @ mhairimcbeathdesigns 

Megan Falconer Jewellery specialises in silver and gold jewellery and handcrafted silverware using cast rocks from the Scottish landscape. – @meganfalconerjewellery 

Anne Marquiss creates jewellery that experiments with oxidised surface textures, colour, and different materials; and weaves Scandinavian-inspired cushions. – @annemarquiss 

Camban Studio makes homeware, accessories, and stationery with designs influenced by surfaces and textures found in walks in nature. – @cambanstudio 

Orange-ade Design & Illustration is an illustrator, graphic designer and printmaker – who creates colourful, vibrant artwork with a quirky and cheeky demeanour. – @orange_ade 

Helen Ruth Scarves creates digitally printed illustrative silk and wool scarves and other accessories. – @ helenruthscarf 

Amy Benzie Ceramics makes ceramics focused on the alchemy of glaze recipes and firing. – @amy_benzie_ceramics 

Kilo Papa Studio draws colourful topographical mountain maps for print and tea towels. – @kilopapastudio 

Ben Durack designs homeware items that pair traditional craftsmanship and digital fabrication. – @bendurackdesign 

Origin repurposes and recycles local plastics into colourful and marbled plant pots. – @originthat 

Bryan Angus Art prints cards and prints using lino printing techniques inspired by the land and sea. – @bryanangusart 

Mags Gray Ceramics hand-builds ceramics with quirky surface designs and folds origami to adorn cards. – @magsgrayceramics 

Elaine Grant makes felted accessories and pin cushion art dolls. – @creativemisse 

Le Petit Moose creates fibre-based wall hangings, framed pieces, and accessories. – @lepetitmoose 

Aimee Catherine Morris makes illustrative household ceramics, characterful god jars, and paper collage inspired by the sea and swimming pools. – @aimeecatherinemorris 

MiMi Hammill designs colourful patterns for silk scarves, books, and other accessories.  – @mimi_hammill 

Fernweh UK creates rugged, handcrafted goods and accessories, inspired by a passion for adventure, made using waxed cotton and leather.  – @fernwehuk 

Junction arts by Elaine Thomson is a collection of bright and boldly coloured drawing and printmaking pieces that aim to evoke memories and make people smile. – @junction.arts 

Aubin Stewart is a jewellery designer who re-purposes scavenged objects and off-cuts, into colourful accessories with pivoting parts. – @aubinjewellery 

Caitlin Robb is a multi-disciplinary artist who creates ceramics and photography inspired by the natural world and rituals.  – @artisticgreen 

Emma Louise Wilson is a silversmith, jeweller, and enameller who recreates watercolour seascapes in beautiful enamel. – @emwilsondesignermaker 

Arra Textiles weaves textiles inspired by the landscapes and seascapes of Scotland. – @arratextiles 

Violetta Pretorius Beadwork creates unique, 3-dimensional, and geometric jewellery and fashion accessories. – @ violettapretoriusbeadwork 

Big Up The Deen encourages support for Aberdeen with prints, pin badges, clothing, and other accessories inspired by the city’s wealth of culture,  history, and interesting people. – @bigupthedeen 

Celebrating Aberdeen’s classic “The Silver City by The Golden Sands” phrase and the doric language, Small Stories has created a range of Aberdeen-based products including cards, tea towels, apparel, and more. – @small_stories_scotland 

Look Inside Collective is a group of four artists who explore Aberdeen’s beautiful granite buildings, roadways, and unique names to create contemporary souvenirs. – @wearelookinside  

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